
First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

i just drank half a pint of heavy whipping cream

I found it to be very easy to get down with just the cream and a couple of sugar packets
but keep in mind i’ve always been a fan of eating weird batters and stuff (pasta and biscuit dough)
so that taste doesn’t bug me much at all in fact i like it.

I had hardee’s a few hours prior to doing this but my stomach feels tighter and heavier

i almost feel like i could drink the other half but i won’t rush it.

hoping i can see some results and thicken up some.

i plan on doing a half 5 nights a week
maybe i’ll up it to a full pint soon.

that’s 800 calories i just consumed in addition to my other meals and snacks throughout the day. i can’t believe how easy that was.

i think i should be bigger in no time... incredible.
I’ll update later on in the weeks.
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Keep it up, and you'll notice results in no time!!
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Folks take to it differently. I prefer to use it in cooking, or for "super milk" (heavy cream + half and half, 50/50).

Though one poster here got almost addicted to it. Claimed to gain about a foot in additional waist size in something like 2 months. But he also went way overboard, to the tune of 2 quarts a day. Most folks would never go quite that hard.
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Folks take to it differently. I prefer to use it in cooking, or for "super milk" (heavy cream + half and half, 50/50).

Though one poster here got almost addicted to it. Claimed to gain about a foot in additional waist size in something like 2 months. But he also went way overboard, to the tune of 2 quarts a day. Most folks would never go quite that hard.

Got the link to the post?
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Folks take to it differently. I prefer to use it in cooking, or for "super milk" (heavy cream + half and half, 50/50).

Though one poster here got almost addicted to it. Claimed to gain about a foot in additional waist size in something like 2 months. But he also went way overboard, to the tune of 2 quarts a day. Most folks would never go quite that hard.

I would like to see some before-and-after pics. Were stretchmarks created as a result? Weight?
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

I�m doing a pint before bed every night. I empty two tables spoons with out and squirt some Hershey�s Chocolate syrup in there and give it a shake and drink. I always take two lactade pills with it to help. Always does the trick. Previously I had issues being too full to drink a whole pint, but did research and found apetamin at a local store. I give you all a fair warning. It�s makes you so soooooooooo hungry and you never feel full. So I take 10ml in the morning and 10ml at night before dinner. The past three days I�ve had 5800 to 6000 calories including the heavy cream. Since on it I�ve been able to down a pint no issues. Had to chug it last night before my gf came downstairs so I drank a pint in two big chugs. I felt and looked like a cream filled donut lolol

I was under the impression, that one needed a prescription for Apetamin?
I would love to try it, any evil feeders listening???
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

I�m doing a pint before bed every night. I empty two tables spoons with out and squirt some Hershey�s Chocolate syrup in there and give it a shake and drink. I always take two lactade pills with it to help. Always does the trick. Previously I had issues being too full to drink a whole pint, but did research and found apetamin at a local store. I give you all a fair warning. It�s makes you so soooooooooo hungry and you never feel full. So I take 10ml in the morning and 10ml at night before dinner. The past three days I�ve had 5800 to 6000 calories including the heavy cream. Since on it I�ve been able to down a pint no issues. Had to chug it last night before my gf came downstairs so I drank a pint in two big chugs. I felt and looked like a cream filled donut lolol

This is how I prepare mine, right in the container. It likes to stick to the insides of containers, and I feel like I'm wasting that small amount and we can not have that! Hehe.
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

I�m doing a pint before bed every night. I empty two tables spoons with out and squirt some Hershey�s Chocolate syrup in there and give it a shake and drink. I always take two lactade pills with it to help. Always does the trick. Previously I had issues being too full to drink a whole pint, but did research and found apetamin at a local store. I give you all a fair warning. It�s makes you so soooooooooo hungry and you never feel full. So I take 10ml in the morning and 10ml at night before dinner. The past three days I�ve had 5800 to 6000 calories including the heavy cream. Since on it I�ve been able to down a pint no issues. Had to chug it last night before my gf came downstairs so I drank a pint in two big chugs. I felt and looked like a cream filled donut lolol

This is how I prepare mine, right in the container. It likes to stick to the insides of containers, and I feel like I'm wasting that small amount and we can not have that! Hehe.

To get that last bit clinging to the sides of tge container, add some milk and give it a shake.
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Tomorrow marks the fifth day of my heavy cream diet so when I weigh myself everyone can get an idea of what a cream diet can do to a skinny guy. Feel free to watch and follow and use me as your experimental study.

definitely appreciate updates, i will update as well.

night two, i had to warm it up cause i guess my fridge was too cold and froze some of the cream... oops

it was really good warm, if you’ve ever had a white hot chocolate from starbucks that’s what it tasted like...

i gotta stop this weekend for a sec cause of family stuff but i’ll pick it right back up on monday night

and i should be able to keep my 5 night a week goal (maybe more i won’t stop myself if i crave it) atleast until the 5th of August (more family stuff potentially)

i hope by then i can feel some results

specifically looking forward to the idea of chub rub on my thighs

and the idea of my bf noticing and not being able to keep his hands of my thickening form

and the idea that even if i stop, i could still catch delayed pounds.

i hope this really is my one way ticket to fat town as some suggest it may be...
5 years

First try of heavy whipping cream, my thoughts so far

Keep it up!! Sounds like you're doing great
5 years
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